Contact Us

Welcome to's Contact Us page. We value your feedback and inquiries. Whether you're interested in adding a new newspaper, have general questions, or have come across outdated links on our website, you can reach us directly via email.

Adding a New Newspaper:

If you're a publisher or a reader who wants to suggest a new newspaper to be included on our website, please send an email to [email protected] with the following details:

  • Name of the newspaper
  • Country and language
  • Website URL (if available)
  • A brief description or overview

General Contact:

For any general inquiries, suggestions, or comments, please feel free to email us at [email protected]. We appreciate your thoughts and will respond as soon as possible.

Reporting Outdated Links:

If you come across any outdated or broken links while browsing our website, we apologize for the inconvenience. Please send an email to [email protected] with information about the specific page and link that needs attention, and we'll take care of it promptly.

Privacy: Rest assured that the information you provide will only be used to respond to your inquiries and improve our services. For more details, please read our Privacy Policy.

Thank you for visiting We appreciate your engagement and look forward to hearing from you. Your input makes a difference in creating an exceptional online newspaper platform.